Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coffe, coffee, coffee

I said this, but I will repeat today ... Drink coffee is something that I love!
Just did it with 2 people, in my all my life:

My best friend, who lives right next to me and my friend who lives in other side of the world

I was afraid of drink coffee alone, I thought that this would bring suffering ...
Because I like being with friends.
Coffee alone, was the same as take my loneliness. ...
But, take my loneliness, was not something bad as I thought!
I learned to drink coffee with myself, when I remember the good things of my life, or when I forget the unpleasant events.

I do not care what coffee!
It reminds me of things that I don't remember more, or make me forget things that I don't want to remember more!

Coffee is the drink of Gods if is a craft coffe or instantaneous coffee...
Alone or with a fine companionship!

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