This time make me think about how much times I lost opportunities...
In this quiet time, (cause I'm alone), I need to express my thoughts!
I just write and hope that someone read...
How express the feeling to be alone?
In this moment, I'm alone but not sad! A little I choose be alone!
I was not happy 4 years ago and I understood that I was alone all the time!
3 years ago, I finally understood that I'll be alone forever, I never will have someone that have the same idea...
In that same time, I discovery that someone was the same conclusion about the life... "we are all alone"!
Now, I discovery that we are alone if you are blind or deaf for too much more highest things...
Everything connected! But unfortunately, for the majority of people it's craziness!
I try to see the spiritual things, I try to see another side of this life... But sometimes, I just feel sad and to lonely...
To learn drink coffee alone was the most worse thing that I needed to learn!
To assume my loneliness was too difficult! ...and it still is!
If I have a good romance with someone?
I still pray for this!
I consider the life a horrible passage... Cause this, I try see a mean for this lonely life!
I'm not depressive, not sad... I just haven't answers to simple questions!
And I'm not speaking about the high reasons to the life, or what is the life's origin!
I'm speaking about his feelings... so, maybe his feelings are to much more complex than Universe!
Well... in this quiet time I just wait the sun go to shine him... and the moon come to my window...
...oh no! it's raining! I forgot it!
The final was so romantic... it's a shame!
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